Part of my Ash Wednesday reflection for my church.
By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made. For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return." Gen 3:19
My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes." Job 42:5-6
On Ash Wednesday, we hit the pause button on life. We stop, and for a moment, be reminded of our fragility and brief existence. We are reminded of our nakedness, failures, and helplessness. Today is not a day for pride or honor, but a day where we humble ourselves and find whatever ounce of humility we have left. That amid our achievements and appearance of success, we all find our way in front of death's door—in dust and ashes. Our bank accounts won't give us a free pass; our titles won't save us from the grave; not even our charity work will grant us immunity. We are damned if left to our own devices; if we are left to justify how 'good' we are. Because at the end of the day, we know we are flawed, and we live with imperfections; Imperfections that affect ourselves and our neighbours. The ashes remind us of who we are and what we deserve.
But... the story doesn't end here. If, for the next 40 days—the period of Lent—we are left with only a depressing reflection of our life, then surely this is pointless. No, on the contrary, our time of reflection, prayers, and fasting leads us to hope, to easter and victory. This is why in our time of Lent, I want to encourage you to read through the life of Jesus and pray and reflect in repentance with hope. Lay your deepest and darkest secrets in front of Jesus' feet. See that even in the darkest time, this will also pass. The light may be dimming, but it will not remain so. But until then, let's pray with humility, in hope, and faith.
If you want to know more about this hope and faith, and why even in 2021, Christians around the world believe in this person called Jesus. I would love to share my reasons and experience with you. Sent me a DM or email:
Pastor Calvin