Will Blockheads have an app?

The short answer: Not in the short term, but we hope to at some point.

The long answer: Based on the many questions we’ve received about it, it’s clearly something that’s important to you, and that matters to us. The reality is that right now we don’t have the in-house development bandwidth to maintain and grow the website, plus build an app. And we don’t have the financial resources to hire someone to build it. With that said, we are committed to ensuring the website remains mobile-friendly until a time when a dedicated app becomes more feasible.

Will Blockheads have private groups or direct messaging?

Never say never, but it’s highly unlikely. There are tons of great existing options for private communication already out there, and we’d prefer not to have to worry about what kind of abusive or nefarious activity is happening in hiding. We are working on a public discussion forum, however.

What text formatting options are available?

You may use basic HTML or Markdown in your creation descriptions and comments.


  • HTML: <b>text</b> or <strong>text</strong>
  • Markdown: **text** or __text__


  • HTML: <i>text</i> or <em>text</em>
  • Markdown: *text* or _text_


  • HTML: <del>text</del>
  • Markdown: ~~text~~


  • HTML: <a href="https://example.com">link text</a>
  • Markdown: [link text](https://example.com)

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