December 16, 2020


I've been on this platform for less than an hour now, but I'm very impressed. Though I think an app would be more convenient, this works very well; I quite like having a social medium specifically for LEGO. I've been on Instagram since 2016, and this feels at least somewhat better, and certainly less toxic. For now, I'll probably just use this to post new pictures of older builds that I've already posted on Instagram, so I won't really bother with long descriptions after this. The tank in this picture is an M4A3(76)W VVSS Sherman, as I'm probably best known on Instagram for having built an honestly excessive number of M4 Sherman variants. I hope to keep using this platform for years to come, possibly as a full replacement to instagram for my LEGO posts.

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> mocs_and_models on instagram > I mostly build military/historical stuff > 1/43-ish scale