August 21, 2021

Plans for Expansion

Still in Terraversa following the hostilities with Oleon, Captain Brickleton and Major Brickford go for a walk to discuss their plans to expand ETTC presence to every settlement in the Brick Seas. They stop near a barn and decide how they can bring the trade company to the settlements they govern.


It was my intention to build a cool base and try a new tree idea with this one, but the roof made of backpacks is incredibly fragile. After the 4th time the roof broke and I had to rebuild it, I decided to scrap the base idea and snap some pics before it all fell apart. I highly recommend not building a roof with backpacks.

The barn door is built using a boat prow, which was pretty fun to build

The stone wall near the minifigs is rotated 45 degrees using cut wedges, which worked better than I thought it would.

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Evan C

AFOL from Boulder, CO who loves building Elightenment-era MOCs!