ClickenBricks / 12 following


Swedish Afol. Huge Witcher fan.

Mansur "Waffles" Soeleman

International degenerate, teal lover, the Frank Ocean of MOCs


I'm an AFOL who likes to build primarily Star Wars.

Doug Hughes

Hi everyone! I'm based in Seattle, am part of SeaLUG, and head to most of the major NW conventions. I'll build anything but my favorite themes are Castle and Space, as well as building anything that moves!


I am a LEGO Builder and a landscape photographer. I work as a programmer. As a LEGO builder I build a little bit of everything. My favorite themes are the Winter Village, Classic Space, Fantasy dioramas, and in general also city and medieval buildings.

Calvin Sun

AFOL from Canada! Also a pastor, former art director, and just creative in general.


Blockheads is dooooooooope!

Ethan Tesone

Star Wars MOC builder - Member of EmpireLUG Started Oct. 2016

Jake Hansen

I play with lego

Geneva Durand

Creating LEGO art for the glory of God!

Carter Witz

AFOL from central USA. Member of InnovaLUG God bless, Carter