Filler Brick

Mainly space themed builds, often using Dark Orange and Transparent Light Blue accents.

Filler Brick / 16 followers


I like LEGO.


Welcome to my official BCFR, BCECo, CEFR, United, and RTJ Studland Blockhead page! I am an AFOL from New Hampshire, USA. My 2 specialties are unique color schemes and custom lighting systems. Thanks for stopping by!

Mansur "Waffles" Soeleman

International degenerate, teal lover, the Frank Ocean of MOCs


Uploading the occasional instruccy here:

Doug Hughes

Hi everyone! I'm based in Seattle, am part of SeaLUG, and head to most of the major NW conventions. I'll build anything but my favorite themes are Castle and Space, as well as building anything that moves!

Calvin Sun

AFOL from Canada! Also a pastor, former art director, and just creative in general.


A TFOL who admires all the fantastic MOCs built by the LEGO community and who has been collecting ideas in his Flickr galleries to start building! I have a soft spot for castle, architecture and landscapes.

Nick Brick

LEGO gaming, film & pop culture replicas/art || LEGO characters || engineer || AFOL || RebelLUG member || he/him

Justin Blair

Ayee it’s Justin! Just your average lego moc builder 22 year old AFOL :) Go Follow me on Instagram its_a_jbear


History, Star Wars, Member of Ight Lug, Instagram: @amazebricks

Classical Bricks

I make things with LEGO sometimes. Like castles.

Armon Russ

Christian, novelist, and digital builder.

Benjamin Stenlund

I’m an AFOL from the upper Midwest of the United States. A stay-at-home dad to four kids, too. I like to build castles. And spaceships. And whatever my kids ask me to build. And whatever a contest says I should build. But mostly I like building.

Geneva Durand

Creating LEGO art for the glory of God!