HistoryBuilder from Instagram, all recent builds built in 1:37 scale, militaria builder specializing in ww2.
Mainly WW2 and a few other themes | TFOL "No sacrifice to great"
Mainly do WW2 builds however expanding into new stuff! 😋 Tigermash on insta and Flickr
-Germany -Lego ww1 and ww2 builder -member of @trenchwarlug
“The strongest people make time to help others even when they are struggling themselves”
Afol- lego builder and military enthusiast
Lego stuff.
Member of RebelLUG, I also like to make videos about LEGO stuff
@j_thedoctor Insta/Flickr/Youtube 15
History, Star Wars, Member of Ight Lug, Instagram: @amazebricks