Roanoke Handybuck / 64 following

Micah Beideman

Yo, I'm a AFOL named Micah. I'm a member of Steel City LUG and RebelLUG. Also a Christian, and a straw enthusiast.


I love all themes, but castle the most!


I build stuff. I'm from Tennessee. I'm old enough to remember joining MOCpages in 2007. I could go on and on... Respect the Crown!

Nicolas Carlier

Lego dreamer... INSTAGRAM: nicolas_builds

Paul Vermeesch

A fan of outer space, historical theology, adventure stories, good mangoes, and olive cheese wedges.

Grant Davis

I eat cheese slopes for breakfast.

Spartan Bricks

Texas AFOL passionate about all things LEGO || Building for the glory of Jesus || Maranatha!


TFOL from Germany (BS) Brickleas on flickr and Insta...

Doug Hughes

Hi everyone! I'm based in Seattle, am part of SeaLUG, and head to most of the major NW conventions. I'll build anything but my favorite themes are Castle and Space, as well as building anything that moves!


I’m an active Lego builder and love building both castle and space MOCs. I’m a member of both RebelLUG and LOTRLUG.


Human marmite

Kevin Wanner

Brick Ninja, RebelLUG Member, and builder of LEGO stuff.

Eli Willsea

I build with Lego. :D

Jet Ochoa

FOL Friday founder.