Duke / 16 following


Afol- lego builder and military enthusiast


Joseph from Flickr and Insta!


Lego military & historical


Is this where the lego community at now?

Spencer Hubert

Member of RebelLUG, I also like to make videos about LEGO stuff

Luca S.

LEGO enthusiast from Germany. No instructions.




History, Star Wars, Member of Ight Lug, Instagram: @amazebricks

Graeme Straughn

Christian | American | EmpireLUG member | Student at The King's College | Living in Brooklyn

Benjamin Stenlund

I’m an AFOL from the upper Midwest of the United States. A stay-at-home dad to four kids, too. I like to build castles. And spaceships. And whatever my kids ask me to build. And whatever a contest says I should build. But mostly I like building.

Carter Witz

I'm a Christian 19 year old AFOL from central USA. I've been homeschooled all my life, and I'm from a large family. Most of my creations are either medieval or LotR. I hope you enjoy! Member of InnovaLUG God bless, Carter