I'm asleep I thought. Everything around me was a dream. My peripherals started pulsing as I watched my brothers pour fire up the steps. I charged up the steps, still in a haze and fired into the droid at the top. It was then I knew it. That was the last droid I'd have to kill. For a second there, we all stood, silently. The snow fell onto my visor and further fogged my vision. It was all over. The jedi, the droids, everything. We won, yes, but it didn't feel that way. Something left me empty inside, and I could see this same unfamiliar feeling within all of my men. Uncertainty of what lies ahead, and a lingering fear of what the future held for all of us. I kept thinking back to one thing. That one moment that changed everything. The general who had saved my life so many times. He had trusted me with my life, and I trusted him with mine. It didn't make sense. Why would he turn on us, if didn't make sense. The moment I fired those shots into his back, it sent shivers down my spine. It was a disturbing sensation I had never felt before. As we locked down the area I couldn't stop thinking about it. I came back from my trance to 4 troops asking me questions. I snapped out of it and we set up a perimeter.
1 Comment
Aurum @Aurum
This moc was originally posted on (7/16/20)