A bounty hunting spaceship in the Star Wars universe, but non-canonical, as I made it up myself.

Benjamin Stenlund
I’m an AFOL from the upper Midwest of the United States. A stay-at-home dad to four kids, too. I like to build castles. And spaceships. And whatever my kids ask me to build. And whatever a contest says I should build. But mostly I like building.
Graham Gidman @grahamthebuilder
4 years ago
Wow, what an incredible scene. The ship would be impressive just on its own, but this is amazing with the accompanying build and background.
Mrs Foutch @Brickago
4 years ago
''Not enough minerals... Insufficient Vespene Gas... Additional Supply Depots required..." Your creation is a great tribute to an epic game. Well done!
Mrs Foutch @Brickago
4 years ago
Sorry, mixed up my wars and crafts... Still an epic build. Well done!