The medieval inn "The Golden Key" is more an illegal gambling hall for the higher class people and other rich creatures, then a inn. Its is build outside the village. To far to walk, but with a horse you can make the trip in 2 hours. They even have a carriage so you dont have to use your own. This can come in handy, when youre, for example, the king and dont want to be recognized as an addicted gambler. All the staff of the Inn keeper and his wife are Ocergs. Green creatures who live in the mountains. Or on the other side of the mountains, nobody really knows. They look aggressive, but the are really loyal. And most important, they cant talk, write or read. That way all guests are sure that nobody will ever find out they wasted their money on gambling.

Daniel Martin @db_pro
4 years ago
Looks great!
Geneva Durand @GenevaD
4 years ago
Neat how you've got a little slice of everything in here... road, building, stream, mountain!
Boindil Lego @Boindil_Lego
4 years ago