A blast from the distant past! My entry to MELO 2016 R1. Made a deep run, ultimately stopped by the buzzsaw that is Kevin Wanner/Brick Ninja :)
Doug Hughes
Hi everyone! I'm based in Seattle, am part of SeaLUG, and head to most of the major NW conventions. I'll build anything but my favorite themes are Castle and Space, as well as building anything that moves!
ClickenBricks @ClickenBricks
You just will not stop making the coolest castle Models! Who needs to look at Pinterest or flicker for castle models when you have the best castle builder right here!
Doug Hughes @DougHughes
@Yeetforlego Thanks so much, you're waay too kind, but... I'll take it :)
Carter Witz @WitzBricks
Ahhh, the good ole MOCpages days.
Doug Hughes @DougHughes
@WitzBricks Yes! It's crazy how long it has been since we all hung out there and a number of us entered this contest together eh?