March 2, 2021

Mountain Cabin

Hey everyone! This build was inspired by the Bob Ross painting Mountain Cabin, mainly on the bottom left corner. I'd wanted to base a build on a Bob Ross painting for quite a while, so I was glad to finally get around to it.

All glory to my Savior Jesus Christ! Carter


Graham Gidman @grahamthebuilder

Those are some happy little trees.

Gareth Gidman @garethbuilds

I'm glad you gave the trees some friends.

David Vaughan @DPStudios

Lovely build! What exact color is used below the trans clear parts for the water?

Carter Witz @WitzBricks

@DPStudios Thanks! I believe I used "medium blue" (using Bricklink colors).

Goochar @goochar

The trees look great and I love the setting, maybe you could make the cabin roof look a little less bland, but other than that, everything looks great.

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Carter Witz

AFOL from central USA. Member of InnovaLUG God bless, Carter