Reginald Brewerfrump had always been interested in old things. As a child in Belson, he had sought out all of the oldest places in Corrington and when he visited them he had taken notes in a pocket-sized notebook. Now as an adult, he was about to get to catalog new discoveries made in the Brick Seas!
Brewerfrump was the new curator of the Royal Society of Natural Philosophy Museum of Antiquities in Wullham.
Among the first exhibits on display was a collection of large mysterious bones found by the 26th Foot while stationed in Elizabethville.
Built with the telescope seed part as an entry in the Brethren of the Brick Seas mini-challenge Faction Flavours.
Greyson @HistoryBricks
The floor pattern is lovely, and I like the shaping of the windows!
Graham Gidman @grahamthebuilder
Nice architecture! The floor really pops too.