Although the sun had just barely come up, the city was already full of life. I traveled down the bustling streets, marveling at the differences between our two kingdoms and their inhabitants. Wherever you turned it was impossible to avoid distraction - vendors crying at the top of their voices, children playing in the streets, the chinking of chain-mail. Not to mention the architecture, which would be impossible to find anywhere in Isloriel. Despite the many differences between Kader and my home kingdom, I had to admit the city did have its charm to it.
However, after many hours of searching, its charm began to wear thin. I had been given orders to search the city in the hopes of finding a larger elven population, but amidst the constant distractions and crowded streets, it was beginning to seem impossible.
After an entire day of constant searching, I began to see no purpose in continuing. After all, I had no assurance the elves I was looking for even existed. That was when out of the corner of my eye I noticed a dark hooded figure clad in green and brown, slowly disappearing from view. As she rounded the corner, her hood seemed to slip slightly, and I caught a glimpse of what resembled elven ears. Having no other leads, I followed her deeper and deeper into the heart of the city, desperately hoping she would lead me to others of her kind...
An immersive scene for the Fractured Kingdoms RPG monthly challenge. I don't usually build digitally as I'm simply no good building MOCs without actually feeling the bricks, but I have to admit that this one came out ok.
Happy Building!
TalusMoonbreaker @TalusMoonbreaker
Looks amazing! I’ve tried using digital stuff before and it made no sense. All of the techniques used to create this scene are great and the overall thing is really cool. 🙂
Geneva Durand @GenevaD
Great textures here and also great colors. Love the touch of light aqua you squeezed in and also the pink awning!