January 2, 2021

Then hit me... if you can.

I built this Matrix build way back in 2016 for Brickcon. It was my first convention as a participant! This was a build I slaved over for many hours and happily it grew my brown collection greatly.


Geneva Durand @GenevaD

Neat technique for the walls!

Doug Hughes @DougHughes

@GenevaD Thanks! I did like how all the colors and texture came out, simple but it works!

Gbro856 @Gbro856

Wow how did you get that guy to stay up there?

Gbro856 @Gbro856

Wow how did you get that guy to stay up there?

Doug Hughes @DougHughes

@Gbro856 I used a trans clear bar stuck into the wall behind him! He's hanging onto the bar with the hand that's farther away from the camera :)

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Doug Hughes

Hi everyone! I'm based in Seattle, am part of SeaLUG, and head to most of the major NW conventions. I'll build anything but my favorite themes are Castle and Space, as well as building anything that moves!