Ship class: Tartane, single masted lateen rigged Type: cargo/fishing Crew: max 4 Carrying weight: 24tons Year of introduction: early 15th century
After more than 2 months in the making, I can finally show you my latest build. It's a stepping stone towards my four-part Venice 1486 series that I'm still working on.
A Tartane or tartan was a small ship used both as a fishing ship and for coastal trading in the Mediterranean during the 15th century.
This ship is packed with small details and realistic elements that could have existed in that time period. I did some extensive research to come as close as possible.
If I can point out a couple of my favorite bites; it has got to be the brickbuild sail, the shaping of the hull, and my attempt to create realistic waving water.
For those who are wondering this is 100% LEGO and no glue or other tricks are being used to keep this together
1 Comment
Fox Braisthorn @tarnizhed_bricks
4 years ago