
Mostly Technic and Space stuff, but exceptions are not rare. Want instructions for my MOCs? Check out this link https://rebrickable.com/users/Horcikdesigns/mocs/

horcikdesigns / 7 followers



Martin Latta

Star Wars, Terminator, Harry Potter, LOTR, Space, sci-fi... @thire5 on flickr @legolattam on Facebook @thire5 on Rebrickable

Doug Hughes

Hi everyone! I'm based in Seattle, am part of SeaLUG, and head to most of the major NW conventions. I'll build anything but my favorite themes are Castle and Space, as well as building anything that moves!

Michael Taylor

If you like my custom Peugeot 205 T16 model, make sure to help support it on Lego Ideas (link below).

Armon Russ

Christian, novelist, and digital builder.

Geneva Durand

Creating LEGO art for the glory of God!