Inspired by the squiggly horn pieces--this was built for an old round of ABS Builder Challenge!
Just in time for Blockheads' birthday #0 next week. Nice.
I would have left a clever comment, but Galen's takes the cake. Fun build!
I like the candles!
He, nice one Graham. ;) Thanks guys!
Awesome! I like the candles, too! 😊
All of your creations are pure art man. Very pleasing to look at. Well done!
Thanks Amida and thanks so much for the kind words @DPstudios !
One of my favorite food builds ever! So well done :D
@brickreplicas Thank you! That's some serious praise! :D
Creating LEGO art for the glory of God!
Galen @g
Just in time for Blockheads' birthday #0 next week. Nice.
Graham Gidman @grahamthebuilder
I would have left a clever comment, but Galen's takes the cake. Fun build!
Caleb Huet @LegoHobbitFan
I like the candles!
Geneva Durand @GenevaD
He, nice one Graham. ;) Thanks guys!
Amida Na @Amida
Awesome! I like the candles, too! 😊
David Vaughan @DPStudios
All of your creations are pure art man. Very pleasing to look at. Well done!
Geneva Durand @GenevaD
Thanks Amida and thanks so much for the kind words @DPstudios !
Brick Replicas @brickreplicas
One of my favorite food builds ever! So well done :D
Geneva Durand @GenevaD
@brickreplicas Thank you! That's some serious praise! :D