Brick Separator Army / 21 following

Calvin Sun

AFOL from Canada! Also a pastor, former art director, and just creative in general.


I’m an active Lego builder and love building both castle and space MOCs. I’m a member of both RebelLUG and LOTRLUG.

Eli Willsea

I build with Lego. :D


LEGO fan who primarily builds historical related MOCs

Lego SW Pro

Member of Boba Lug, European moc builder. 16 years old



Levi Pettit

Just a man and his radical life as a Lego enthusiast. 19 year old AFOL and full time college student. I have been a Lego fan for well over a decade. I MOC, collect, and just enjoy all that Lego has to offer. Instagram: @themoblobster01


Lego Star Wars builder. Hope you like my content.


Lego builder from Norway. I build Mocs form a variety of different themes.

Graeme Straughn

Christian | American | EmpireLUG member | Student at The King's College | Living in Brooklyn


MOCs by Simon.

Benjamin Stenlund

I’m an AFOL from the upper Midwest of the United States. A stay-at-home dad to four kids, too. I like to build castles. And spaceships. And whatever my kids ask me to build. And whatever a contest says I should build. But mostly I like building.

Geneva Durand

Creating LEGO art for the glory of God!

Caleb Huet

I'm a Christian TFOL whose favorite genre is castle, although I'll build just about anything.